Thursday, July 28, 2005
Tara Reid is All Class
Seems Tara Reid is really taking her new gig at Wild On quite seriously...

Click here or here for much MUCH worse pictures...seriously people, it's bad. Prepare yourself.
I can't wait for her to turn up on Intervention!...
Seems Tara Reid is really taking her new gig at Wild On quite seriously...

Click here or here for much MUCH worse pictures...seriously people, it's bad. Prepare yourself.
I can't wait for her to turn up on Intervention!...
Monday, July 25, 2005
Anorexia Showdown: Ricci vs. Ritchie
This is awesome...
This is awesome...
Starletto's 1st Unofficial Rad Celebrity Showdown: Ricci vs. Richie....
Ricci: "Bitch, I bet you can't even go three days without eating!"
Richie: "Bitch you see how long these fingers are? I'd stuff em' down my throat and throw up all over you if I had anything left in my shriveled raisin of a stomach!"...
MK, phone home!
This is old, but so wonderful that it deserves to be posted in perpetuity...
(via Stereogum)
This is old, but so wonderful that it deserves to be posted in perpetuity...

Friday, July 15, 2005
I'm just Being Bobby Brown
It's really hard to explain the trashy, crackheady, trainwrecky appeal of Being Bobby Brown to those who haven't partaken in this unbelievable documentation of Whitney's Fall From Grace...But fourfour does a great job of it with fab screencaps and commentary. Here are the last 2 episodes...Episode 3, Crackheads in London and Episode 4, Crackheads in the Wilderness...
And here is a key segment from Episode 4...How can you deny Whitney and Bobby's Greatest Love of All when you see this? (click on picture for larger image)

...And the picture that reminds you it's the children who suffer the most...poor Bobbi Kristina!

It's really hard to explain the trashy, crackheady, trainwrecky appeal of Being Bobby Brown to those who haven't partaken in this unbelievable documentation of Whitney's Fall From Grace...But fourfour does a great job of it with fab screencaps and commentary. Here are the last 2 episodes...Episode 3, Crackheads in London and Episode 4, Crackheads in the Wilderness...
And here is a key segment from Episode 4...How can you deny Whitney and Bobby's Greatest Love of All when you see this? (click on picture for larger image)

...And the picture that reminds you it's the children who suffer the most...poor Bobbi Kristina!

Thursday, July 14, 2005
Celebrity Look-alike!!!
D-listed has Jocelyn Wildenstein as Hot Slut of the Day and that got me thinking about what this woman has done to her face. Jocelyn, as you might recall from various E! True Hollywood stories, was the infamous "Cat Woman"- the NY socialite who had a ton of plastic surgery with the goal of looking more like a cat. But now she just looks like a pile of melted wax...or like the kid from Mask (starring Cher). Really, the resemblance is quite striking.

I may be mean but am I wrong?
D-listed has Jocelyn Wildenstein as Hot Slut of the Day and that got me thinking about what this woman has done to her face. Jocelyn, as you might recall from various E! True Hollywood stories, was the infamous "Cat Woman"- the NY socialite who had a ton of plastic surgery with the goal of looking more like a cat. But now she just looks like a pile of melted wax...or like the kid from Mask (starring Cher). Really, the resemblance is quite striking.

I may be mean but am I wrong?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
God is cruel.
Holy fucking shit. This really is the world's ugliest dog!

Holy fucking shit. This really is the world's ugliest dog!

Hairless Pooch Wins Ugly Dog Contest(via popbitch)
The owners of the other contestants in this year's World's Ugliest Dog Contest may have thought their pooches had a chance — until they saw Sam.
The 14-year-old pedigreed Chinese crested recently won the Sonoma-Marin Fair contest for the third consecutive time, and it's no surprise.
The tiny dog has no hair, if you don't count the yellowish-white tuft erupting from his head. His wrinkled brown skin is covered with splotches, a line of warts marches down his snout, his blind eyes are an alien, milky white and a fleshy flap of skin hangs from his withered neck. And then there's the Austin Powers teeth that jut at odd angles from his mouth.
He's so ugly even the judges recoiled when he was placed on the judging table, said his proud owner, Susie Lockheed, of Santa Barbara...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Stepford Wife-to-be

OMG this W magazine interview with Katie Holmes is terrifying. She sounds like a brainwashed zombie who can only repeat the same 3 phrases over and over. She has most certainly sold her soul to the devil.

OMG this W magazine interview with Katie Holmes is terrifying. She sounds like a brainwashed zombie who can only repeat the same 3 phrases over and over. She has most certainly sold her soul to the devil.
"From the moment I met him," she continues, "it just felt like I'd known him forever. I was blown away. He's the most incredible man. He's so generous and kind, and he helps so many people, and, um, he makes me laugh like I've never laughed, and he's a great friend.…"
This is how the conversation begins; this is also how it continues, and how it ends. No question can do much to change its course.
Do you worry that this might be a rebound romance for either of you?
"I've never met anyone like Tom," Holmes replies, her beautiful green eyes focused on nothing in particular.
Do you ever wonder whether this is just a honeymoon phase?
"Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase."
Did you learn anything in your previous relationship (five years with actor Chris Klein, which came to an end when they called off their engagement this past winter) that has been a benefit to this one?
"Chris and I care about each other and we're still friends. Tom is the most incredible man in the world."
Do you feel that, with more relationship experience, you get better at resolving conflicts?
"Meeting Tom—I'm just exhilarated. He makes me laugh, we have fun, we understand each other, everything is so aligned. I feel so lucky and so—like I've been given such a gift, such a gift, you know?" She pauses. "And it's just really amazing."...
...Is there anything you guys don't have in common?
"You know, we appreciate each other."
Has it been a challenge to make his kids feel comfortable?
"They're just exceptional people."
Isn't it an adjustment to move in with someone—and after only a month? (In late May, Holmes packed up her apartment in Hollywood's El Royale complex and moved into Cruise's Beverly Hills manse.)
"He's the man of my dreams."
Does he leave his dirty socks on the bedroom floor? Something? Anything?
Dear god, say it ain't so! Are Whitney and Bobby really trying to have another child? Isn't ruining poor Bobbi Kristina's life enough?

D-listed's commentary is dead on:
Dear god, say it ain't so! Are Whitney and Bobby really trying to have another child? Isn't ruining poor Bobbi Kristina's life enough?

D-listed's commentary is dead on:
Is Whitney Houston really going to ruin another bitches life? Bobby Brown said: "We're trying for another baby. She wants a boy, and I want her to be happy."All I have to say is somebody better get Child Protective Services in the hizzy!
It's so gross because on their reality show Bobby is always asking Whitney if he can impregnate her. Like is that supposed to be romantic?
This is not right! Two crackheads can have a baby, but if two men or two women have a baby suddenly this kid is Satan's spawn!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
"Seven Felines, Picked to Live in a House..."
Can this be for real? One can only hope...

Can this be for real? One can only hope...

"Kitty Corner" is an intimate look at the lives of several house cats in Brooklyn. This week, domestic bliss is shattered as "Bunnicula" gives "Ol' Muddy" a piece of her mind for always licking his butt in front of the company. We get to the hardhitting issues when "Joanie" and "Mrs. Buttersworth" discuss the problems facing long haired cats living in a predominantly short haired neighborhood. No topic is too taboo on "Kitty Corner", and the suspense is real. Will "Ol' Muddy" ever kick his catnip habit? Will "Joanie" ever find "Mr. Right"? Tune in Saturday to find out.(via Verbose Coma, Gawker)
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Crack IS Wack

Enjoy the hideous/fabulous trainwreck of Being Bobby Brown...recap and more screencaps at fourfour...

Enjoy the hideous/fabulous trainwreck of Being Bobby Brown...recap and more screencaps at fourfour...
Insane in the Membrane
Salon has a scary but informative article about Scientology's war on psychiatry...It's part of a 4-part series on Scientology that they are doing. Check it out (you can just view a quick ad to get access)...I think it's important for people to know how involved L.Ron's disciples are in pushing their lunatic political agendas...
Salon has a scary but informative article about Scientology's war on psychiatry...It's part of a 4-part series on Scientology that they are doing. Check it out (you can just view a quick ad to get access)...I think it's important for people to know how involved L.Ron's disciples are in pushing their lunatic political agendas...
Scientology's war on psychiatry
July 1, 2005 | It may be easy to dismiss Tom Cruise's recent outbursts against psychiatry as the ravings of an egomaniacal celebrity. Comedians have certainly had a field day with Cruise, a fervent disciple of the Church of Scientology, ever since he scolded Brooke Shields for taking prescribed medication to treat her postpartum depression and lectured Matt Lauer, host of the "Today" show, that psychiatry was a "pseudoscience" and antidepressant drugs were worthless because there is "no such thing as a chemical imbalance." "No?" wisecracked Lewis Black on "The Daily Show," watching a video clip of Cruise berating Lauer, "Then what do you call what's happening to you right now?"
But the Church of Scientology's war on psychiatry is no joke. For decades, Scientologists have maintained that the very notion of mental illness is a fraud. They base this belief on the views of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, who proclaimed that psychiatry was an evil enterprise, a form of terrorism, and the cause of crime. Now, they're attempting to enshrine their contempt for psychiatry in laws across the country...